Not everyone has the same ideas on how life should be here at BGHS. We do our best not to have signs all over the place that would constantly make you feel like you were being treated like a child. We ask you to read the rules on the inside of your locker and look how our long standing customers behave. Every one of our rules has a good reason behind it, so please up hold them or we will ask you to leave without refund.
By enforcing our rules we can try to ensure, to the best of our abilities, that you will get the most out of your visit to Bristol Gardens Health Spa.
We hate rules! If the world was a perfect place and if everyone understood good social behaviour there would be no need for them. Unfortunately it’s not and so for the sake of clarity and to hopefully avoid unnecessary confrontations please take the time to read some of our main rules:
★All locker keys must be left at reception
★Expect to give your name at reception when collecting your key even if we know you.
★No swimming costumes, clothes or shoes to be worn past the changing room area.
★It is strictly prohibited to use cameras or any other form of recording equipment in this building. Anyone found with such equipment will be asked to leave the building immediately and be given a lifetime ban from BGHS.
★We will ask you to leave immediately if we suspect or find anyone is under the influence of drink or drugs.
★Alcohol is not allowed on the premises.
★Only food or drink purchased from BGHS can be consumed on the premises
★No smoking is allowed any where in the building including the sundeck area.
★No mobile phones except in the changing room area.
★No amorous behaviour and this includes sitting on each others laps, intimate cuddling and kissing.
★Respect other peoples space at all times.
★Do not follow other people around or harass.
★No rowdy, noisy or boisterous behaviour.
★Noise must be kept to a minimum in the rest room area at all times.
★No jumping or diving in the pool.
★No sitting or standing on the edge of the hot tubs and Jacuzzi.
★Do not leave anything where anyone could trip over it.
★Only one small wash bag for each person is allowed in the wet area or beyond the lounge area.
★No glass to be taken beyond the lounge area including in wash bags.
★No lap tops or any other electrical device including mp3 players.
★Towels must be worn in the lounge areas.
★Please sit on your towel in the sauna but do not take it into the steam rooms.
★Do not put towels over statues or try to dry them on the sauna stove. Please change your wet towel for a dry one before using any of the lounges.
★No soap, shampoo or oils to be used or placed anywhere near any pool.
★Shower thoroughly after using oils and before using any water facility.
★Do not take books, magazines or newspapers downstairs to the wet area.
★Please turn showers off after use and make sure sauna and steam room doors are kept shut.
★Do not put water or essence on the sauna coals; this will be done by our staff at regular intervals.
We will not tolerate any abusive or threatening behaviour towards our staff or any customers. If you feel someone’s behaviour is offensive or unacceptable please tell the management immediately so it can be dealt with. Any behaviour we deem to be unsociable or risking the health and safety of our customers and staff or is damaging to the building will be dealt with accordingly.
The aim of BGHS as always is to maintain our high standards. These rules and our attitude towards upholding them, will allow us to provide you with safe, clean, comfortable, relaxed and enjoyable facilities. We know that those of you that we would like to keep as customers and welcome as new ones will appreciate and respect them and continue to keep us a place of sanctuary from the stresses of the outside world.
Thank you.